Tuesday, September 20, 2011

When should I change the timing belt/chain on a 2002 Ford Mustang V6? ?

My car has 76000 miles on it approx.
When should I change the timing belt/chain on a 2002 Ford Mustang V6? ?
nice car! you dont need to change it yet. but ,as the other guy said, if it noisy you should check it. approx. 120.000 - 130.000 you should change it. bad news: they have to take the whole engine down and you have to pay a lot of labor. the belt costs about $100 but the labor .. $500 (even more) and also they have to replace the water pump.. more bad news : if it brakes you wont have car ever again.. so, good luck!
When should I change the timing belt/chain on a 2002 Ford Mustang V6? ?
you will only need to replace it when it gets noisy or when it brakes... the engine will be fine if it brakes it just won't run... I wouldn't worry about it drive it till it brakes then have it replaced
replace it at 100k.

look at the maintenance schedule in your owners manual. and follow it to a tee. OK.

good luck
That engine has a timing chain. It does not need replacement as a maintenance item.
Don't worry about it, they last forever. Remember that's a push rod engine and not overhead cams..they came out on the '05
yes its a chain so is not a time to be changed unless it goes noisy.