Tuesday, October 25, 2011

1993 Nissan Sentra 1.6L DOHC Timing Chain Question?

It has 203000 Miles, runs like new, gets MPG like new, . It has a timing chain not belt, actually has two, an upper and lower. Do i need to change them? I know belts are like 60K or so, but chains?

PS. Nissans are such great cars, wonder why hondas have a better opinion then nissans?
1993 Nissan Sentra 1.6L DOHC Timing Chain Question?
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
1993 Nissan Sentra 1.6L DOHC Timing Chain Question?
yes, timing belts need to be changed because when they get old they can break, timing belts need to be changed because when they get old they streach, and the tensioner wears out.
Only if it makes noise or using a timing light you can see it move alot. I wish they would put chains on everything. I won't buy a belt driven camshaft or aluminum engine.
With this many miles, your Nissan is running on borrowed time. Sooner or later you will have trouble with the timing chains, your lucky to have gotten this many miles. When a chain goes it can cause many other problems, such as bent valves. I would replace them to be on the safe side.
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