Friday, June 3, 2011
Need to change a timing chain on a 2003 cavalier. How do I go about that.?
Cavaliers Suck im so sorry. take the timing chain cover off. including all the puleys, and belts and everything. You should be able to see the timing belt/gears (gears i think) its a chevy. Its really hard to do it. Need much experience.|||Take it to Mr. Goodwrench and pay them a barrel of money. Do it yourself, according to the directions in Chiltons Auto Repair manual. Got tools? It is a lot of very hard work, especially if you have limited or no mechanical experience.|||pay no attention to the that other man behind the curtain! Real simple first is it a 2.2 or 2.4 if 2.2 very simple but you will need to go to autoparts and use their rent a tool program if you dont have tools way to much to type on here ifyou will email me engine type i will send you all you need to know to do that job..|||GM%26#039;s are disposable... Throw it away and get another one.