Friday, June 3, 2011
How much does it cost to have a timing chain changed in a 1989 Buick LaSabre Custom?
I%26#039;ve been having this horrible clanking, rattling noise coming from the Engine. My father says it%26#039;s a lose timing chain. Just wondering if anyone knows of the cost to change it. Thanks!|||If is a V8, replacing the timing chain will cost under $600.00 and I am pretty sure that this car has no tensioner, Is just a chain and two sprockets. But I don%26#039;t think that noise will be coming from the timing chain, may be you have a loose water pump bearing?|||That Would Depend on how many cylinder your engine has? 4,6,or 8. An 89 buick LaSabre, pretty-sure it%26#039;s an eight,$800~$1,500. But wait, your problem may not be your chain, rather your timming chain- tensioner, if so cost diffence should be somewhat significant.