Friday, June 3, 2011
How often would you change a timing chain in an import engine such as hyundai, nissan, toyota etc?
This is a dubious question. Most foreign car 4 cylinder engines have a timing BELT. These MUST be changed according to the intervals set up in the maintenance section of the owner%26#039;s manual. Usually, it%26#039;s around 90-100,000 miles. If this service is NOT performed, many engines will bend valves and get very pricey to fix. Preventative maintenance is the way to go! Other engines, like BMW and most Mercedes Benzes, have timing chains. These, sometimes, need replacing at 100,000 mile intervals. But it depends upon the recommendations of the owner%26#039;s manual. READ the OWNER%26#039;S MANUAL!!! Many Toyota engines will not self destruct if the timing belt breaks. Most Honda%26#039;s will. Many VW/Audi engines will. You should read the manual 5-10 times to get acquainted with what the manufacturer wants.|||keep it serviced never need to|||chains are almost never changed or need to be changed unless you wreck. if it was a belt that would be different|||The weak link in a timing chain set up is the hydraulic tensioner. When the tensioner fails it allows excessive slack and the chain will wear through the timing chain cover housing if left unchecked. The noise will be a big indicator that this has failed. I have changed about 20 tensioners due to this type of failure, considering that is over 40 years, it really speaks well of timing chains. Typical life of a chain and tensioner varies with how good the preventative maintenance was during the life of the engine.|||If it%26#039;s a chain only replace it when the engine is overhauled.|||Change it according to the manufacturers suggested preventive maintenance schedule.