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|||I hate to tell you this, but the cavalier is a cheaply made car. It still should not do this. If it were to keep doing this, sometime it will possibly ruin the motor. I would unload this coffin on wheels. Find yourself a more reliable car.|||If you have the finances, take it in for a complete engine diagnostic, preferably to a mechanic you know/trust, or your mechanic may be able to recommend someone. It may be something as simple as a starter problem, but it never hurts to leave nothing to chance. You may have that car for awhile.|||no help with that but i have a gauge kit for that car if u are interested? do u have a tach in your car? mail me at if u are interested|||Um, if you had a timing chain replaced you definitely got ripped off. Cavaliers have a timing belt. And don%26#039;t listen to TJ he probably drives a honda.... Cavaliers are fine cars. Mines got 130,000 miles on it, also a 2000. Never done the belt.|||Cavalier%26#039;s are not **** cars, I have an 03 and I love it. It%26#039;s hard to answer this question just take it in to be looked at. Do not listen when people say they are bad cars mine has no problems at all. I had a mitsubishi before this, THAT was a **** car|||It may have been faulty parts or you are driving it very hard.|||you may have a defective tensioner or a defective installer... if the tensioner requires hydraulic pressure to keep it tight you may have a restriction in the oiling system or possibly using the wrong weight oil