I recently had the timing chain changed in my Chevy Traverse. It has 32000 miles. After it was changed my mileage dropped from an average of 20 mpg to 15 mpg as calculated by the on board information system. The service technician at the dealer says there is nothing wrong with the vehicle and there is no relationship between the mileage drop and the timing chain replacement. Although the drop was immediate after the replacement. I feel as if it is now harder to accelerate since the timing chain was replaced. Any help would be appreciated.|||Get a compression check to see if there%26#039;s valve damage. If it%26#039;s OK you%26#039;ll need to get the valve timing checked. They might have gotten it a notch off. Don%26#039;t use the guy who did the original job.|||The timing chain is a vitally important part and has to be replaced with great care. Any movement of the vehicle while in gear between removal of the old and replacement of the new will result in the timing of the engine being wrong, thus affecting miles per gallon. The timing chain is fitted around moving cogwheels which have permanent marks to ensure correct installation. I would suggest you approach an independent garage and ask them to look at it. To run the engine badly timed will damage it.|||I%26#039;m sure anyone with a timing light can let you know if the timing chain is correct. My guess is he missed a cog or two.
I suggest you give him a chance to make it right or you are taking it to another place and if it is the timing chain install, you will take him to small claims court.