2004 up Dodge Durango dont have Spark plug wires? or timing chain? Then what should you change when changing the spark plug? Spark plug only?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXQdaWqC6鈥?/a>|||Why do you want to change anything. The timing CHAIN (not belt) lasts the life of the truck. If you have no mis fire or any codes from the check engine light then you don%26#039;t change anything. You should change the oil, air cleaner and such as regular maint. Other wise if it ain%26#039;t broke don%26#039;t fix it.|||the plug wires are not the old type even though they exist/they are more like power type of wires that turn the coils on when the puter tells them to/forget the timing/if its off the stove wont run/plugs only on replacement/