Took to get Inspection ticket %26amp; he advised me w/ that kind of engine it would need timing chain %26amp; water pump %26amp; probably change Universal belt: Parts %26amp; Labor $995. Has anyone heard of this: thanks for the time Tooltall|||Yes, on timing belts, which yours has. Timing chains are recommended but usually last a lot longer than belts.
As far as the cost to replace it, he is way out of line. It should be between $216.00 and $271.00 (+ tax) parts and labor, depending on where you take it. (|||My mom has a newer Volvo and was told the same thing, and paid about the same amount, not sure why tho I guess its just apart of the volvo maintenance|||normal shop talk wanting to do work
yes it should be done at some point but chains last alot longer than a belt my car has over 380,000 so far nothing been touch
some where a round 100,000 with a belt should be thinking about replacing
chain drive should last a while longer not saying it shouldnt be replace
call and talk with three local shops see what others might tell you
price wise about right|||Timing chains are more durable and should never need changing, unlike timing belts. Your mechanic is trying to scam you. I%26#039;ve never had to replace a timing chain in the 45 years I%26#039;ve been driving. That%26#039;s not to say they never break. But the cost of replacing a timing chain ($995 a pop) every 10 years would more than pay for a new engine replacement should it break.|||Your car has a timing belt not a long lasting chain. It%26#039;s recommended that it should be changed every 100,000 miles. They cost around $35.00. Unfortunately the water-pump must be removed first before the belt can be removed. Call several private mechanics or other new car dealers to get prices for this work. $995. is too steep for such a basic easy job.