the timing chain is in place i just need to know how to line up the marks. anyone with info please let me know. thanks!|||The last time I changed a timing belt on a civic it dint have a chain,that was a1982 and I would suggest you do it the same way.Go to a car parts store and invest about 20 dollars and get you a manual for your civic,it will give you all the steps and save you a lot of aggravation and save you lots of money if you have any more projects.Good luck on your repairs.|||go to, they have repair manual on civics. good luck!!!!|||There is a tool you are supposed to use to line up with the crank shaft. I haven%26#039;t done it myself, all I know is that if you do it wrong your idling will vary drastically and engine will stall.|||I just put a timing belt on my %26#039;94 Civic DX 1.5L last week. There is a small mark on the crank pulley in the 1 or 2:00 position that lines up to an arrow cast in the is hard to see because it is behind the belt on the right side. When that is lined up there are three ways to orientate the marks on the camshaft depending on what engine you have. Once the belt is on turn the engine two revolutions and recheck the marks to make sure they are still lined up. I bought my Haynes manual off of eBay for cheaper than the parts store.|||Before taking the belt out, align the Crankshaft pulley at TDC (small visible mark would be on the gear and engine block) When you align this point, you will see another mark on the cam pulley. The ratio between cam and crank is 1:2. Every 2 full rotation of the crank, the cam spins once. Which means if you align the crank, the cam can be bottom dead center or top dead center. If it is at BDC, you just need to turn the crank one more time to bring the cam to TDC.
I would draw a line between the Belt, and cam pulley.
Draw another line between the belt and the crank pulley.
Then transfer the markings to the new belt and reinstall in the same position to verify.