Ok I will explain in full detail all the cars issues, as to help maybe figure out the basic problem, some facts might not be useful, but keep everything in mind.
4 Months ago my car was running like sh*t. So I changed the plugs and wires, and did an oil change. I found out that my check engine light was from an EVAP canister and Purge solenoid. I changed them too. Then my timing chain tensioner had broke, and I had a private mechanic put a new timing set and tensioner on there. After I got it back everything seemed fine, except it idled really bad. The longer it would idle the worse the car would sound. Then I hauled the car on a car dolly 2 weeks ago about 400 miles. When I took it down off the dolly, a lot of water poured from the exhaust. Then the next day my ABS light came on, and stayed on for only a couple days and then went off. Yesterday when I started the car, it was knocking and shaking and the Check Engine light was on. Codes say its a misfire on #1, bad Purge Solenoid and bad EVAP. WTF? That is what I just paid almost $400 to get fixed. On top of everything, last night I turned on the car, and no headlights. Brights work fine, but no headlights, and the fuses are fine.
I%26#039;m not sure if any or all these problems are related or not, but im hoping someone can help. I already have $400 into what it%26#039;s saying the problem is.
Thank you for any help.|||I was able to get ripped Abs in under a week. Check out my Blog to see my workout log.