My car has been leaking oil ever since. The leak was noticed %26amp; reported within a month of the work being completed.
I have taken the car back for oil consumption tests a couple of times and carry a bottle of oil in the car with me these days.
On Saturday my car failed it%26#039;s NCT/MOT as a result of an oil leak on .
The garage are now forced to rectify this ongoing problem and are now saying that it is a crank oil seal leak; which is entirely separate to work done while replacing timing chain.
The original work cost an arm and a leg and I can%26#039;t afford further expense; especially if it is as a result of poor workmanship.
Does anyone out there have any bright ideas please?|||yes it is possible because they had to remove the cover ,and may not have got it sealed back up good,they are responsible for it to not leak since they did the work on it,so id take it back and see if they would offer to repair it,those two problems can be related though,that seal should have been replaced when they did the chain on it,a good repair shop always replaces the seals,whether it needs it at the time or not,so they should repair this one at their cost,not yours,good luck with it.|||i hope you get all this worked out with them,its a shame they didn%26#039;t do it right to begin with.good luck.
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|||The crankshaft oil seal should of been replaced along with the timing chain as a matter of procedure.But this will be pretty to argue about.Check your reciept it will be covered under parts .|||Could be that when the chain broke,the main bearing was damaged and caused the seal to go bad.If the timing belt or chain was not changed at a specific mileage that was recommended in the maintenance manuel it could be your fault and not your mechanic,however if he beat on the shaft with to great of force he could of caused the damage.Replace the seal and go forward is my recomendation.Without proof you pay.|||If your timing chain was broken the engine would not run at all.
If the timing chain was loose or worn it would have nothing to do with a stalling problem, the engine would just sound a bit noisy.
I suggest you go to your local car accessory shop and buy a can of engine oil seal repair, add it to your engine oil and see what happens.
Go for a quality brand, Millers, STP, Wynns etc.
Good luck!|||if the timing chain was replaced then thy should have fitted a new oil seal as it is situated in the timing cover and once disturbed it needs to be renewed and you could not have had a broken timing chain as it would have damaged your engine bent valves etc you have been had by the garage