Thursday, September 15, 2011

1986 merc. GM, dies at stopsigns etc, changed plugs timing chain checked vac lines any answers?

Stall at idle could be due to several things.

1- idle air control valve

2- throttle position sensor

3- plugged air filter

4- defective ignition coil

5- defective ignition control module ( timing portion)

6- defective coolant temperature sensor
1986 merc. GM, dies at stopsigns etc, changed plugs timing chain checked vac lines any answers?
Plugged up fuel filter? I had an old truck once that I had to keep rev'ing to keep it from dying. It also died on the highway when I got up aroud 45 to 50 mph. Turned out the fuel filter was clogged. Just sitting at an idle the fuel pump wasn't pushing hard enough to get enough gas into the engine. Once I reved it up it did. However when I got going faster, it died for the same reason, the fuel pump couldn't get enough into the engine to keep up.
1986 merc. GM, dies at stopsigns etc, changed plugs timing chain checked vac lines any answers?
I am confused by your make and model. If it is a GM, you will find the electrical connection to your torque converter clutch solenoid on the front of the transmission. This is between the transmission and the radiator. It should be the only connector you find there. It has 4 prongs and is about 1 inch square in size. Unplug that then go drive your car. See if the stalling goes away. If it does, leave it unplugged. Leaving it unplugged won't hurt anything. If you want to replace the TCC solenoid, it is rather expensive, as the solenoid is actually inside the transmission and calls for about 9 hours of labor to replace it. The part is only about 60 dollars. This is most likely the problem. Not sure what you mean by 1986 merc? Mercury doesn't have this TCC. GM does.
IAC valve
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