If the timing chain on a 02 cavilier is broken, can it still get spark?
sounds like you still have an issue with the factory anti-theft system. Did you have the pass-lock system re-learned after the switch was replaced?? if the ignition switch or pass-lock sensor were changed and the system not relearned it will not allow the vehicle to start. is the theft indicator on steady or flashing after you try to start the vehicle??if so there is an error in the system.
If the timing chain on a 02 cavilier is broken, can it still get spark?
Where's your crank angle sensor located? It's very possible that the ignition isn't firing because the ECU isn't detecting engine rotation due to the camshaft(s) not rotating because of your broken timing chain.
Keep in mind that your engine will never run as long as your timing chain is broken. Fix this first. Do not ever crank an engine over if it's timing belt/chain is broken. If it's an interference engine, you could wreck every valve in your cylinder head from the pistons hitting them.
if your timing chain is broken, then you cannot crank the engine.otherwise everything will be messed up, you going to break plenty of parts.
i think your problem is purely electrical, clean up electrical connections from your electrical modoles, check battery ground contacts, broken fuses or relays.
sometimes these type of problem was caused by a shorted wire to ground. recheck your wiring connections and most of all replace your ignition switch
hope this help
If the belt was broken, the cam wouldn't turn. Can you see the cam or valves in the Oil fill port? If so, do they move when you crank?
There should also be at least one piece of plastic cover that can come off to see the belt.
one easy way to find out if your timming chain is broke take your valve cover off turn the key and see if your rockers are moving if not then the chain is broke and yes the car will spark just not at the right time because its controled by the computer i repaired a timming chain on a car with a broken chain and it still had spark it was just firing at the wrong time
If your timing chains is broken, the car shouldn't start. It may give you a crank, but it shouldn't start. You should check to see if your car uses a chain or a belt. The thing is that timing chains usually last forever, whereas belts tend to get ruined much quicker. The other thing is that if it is indeed borken, the computer will shut the car down so it won't start because if it did, you can run the risk of ruining the engine's valves and that will cost you thousands to replace.
The problem with the spark could be that you have either a problem with the computer, or there might be a fuse busted. Check the fuse box and particularly the ones that control the ignition because if you have a busted fuse, than there is no human that can start the car without having that replaced.
dont try to turn the engine over or you could mess up the valves.i would say put a new chain on first so you can crank the engine and check for spark.ok i think auto zone will check them for you.take off the modules and have then tested,but you better get a new chain on first,you need to be able to crank the engine to determine if you got spark.
Possibly the camshaft positioning sensor. If it were your timing chain, you would more than likely have a car that does not run. Timing will cause it to have broken or bent valves, from where the piston went up on either the compression or exhaust stroke, which only happens with timing problems. Hope thats not the case.