I bought the car with 10,000 miles on it. It now has 62,000 or so, and I was wondering about the timing chain/belt.
Next month I will have had this car for 4 years. Has not been in the shop even once. I do all minor maintenance (change oil faithfully every 3,500 miles, change air filter every 10,000, change transmission fluid %26amp; filter every 25,000, and change plugs every 25,000, rotate tires every 10,000 miles).
I know that this may sound excessive for the transmission filter/fluid, and spark plugs, but this is what I do to keep repair bills down. My wife drives this car; gets an average of 33 mph around town, and about (but not quite!) 43 mph on highway.
I'm still amazed that I have not had to take this car to the dealer or mechanic for ANYTHING since I bought it in July 2004.
Would appreciate any info about timing change/belt (how many miles before change} Thank you
2004 Toyota Corolla LE with 1.8 hp (4 cyl): timing chain, or timing belt?
Yours has a BELT...
You may call the dealer for the exact mileage... however, I believe those are recommended to be changed around 85-100k miles. Though I will say, our shop does not usually see issues with them until 150-200K miles.
- Good Luck!
2004 Toyota Corolla LE with 1.8 hp (4 cyl): timing chain, or timing belt?
Toyota Corolla's from 1998-2010 have a timing CHAIN. See Toyota's FAQ on their website, under %26quot;Does My Vehicle Have a Timing Belt or Chain?%26quot;:
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TIming Chain. Change on engine rebuild.
It has a timing belt. I believe toyota recommends replacing it every 60,000 miles. So...yours is due.
But you're wasting oil by changing it every 3500 miles. The oil these days can go 5000 to 7500 miles before needing changing. Your dad probably told you to change it every 3500 miles but oil products have come a long way technologically since he was taught that buy your grandfather.
I worked on Toyots for 9 years. you're doing a fantastic job!! I wish others were like you. Toyotas are pretty indestructable. Oil changes are the most critical...but again, 3500 miles is a little too excessive.