just wondering
Which hondas have to have the timing belt or chain changed?
any civic older than 05 has a belt and should be changed around 105k miles(except the 01 to present si), any accord 02 and older with a 4cyl engine around 105k miles and v6 are all belt driven at this time, same 105k miles (accord v6, pilot, odyssey), 97-01 cr-v at 105k miles as well. the 06 and new civic are now chain driven as well as 03 and newer accords, elements,cr-v and fit. the only time we change the chains on these vehicles is when they stretch (and yes they do stretch) and normaly we see this on vehicles with 120k or more miles that have not been getting their oil changes at regular intervals.
Which hondas have to have the timing belt or chain changed?
Chains wear out guides tensioners and sprockets too. Timing belts wear down idler wheels tensioner wear. Each and every car has a different belt change milage some cars can break belts and not bend valves others break belts and need new motors. Most Cam Chain drive engines don't need any maintence unless the chain starts making noise. And most chain drive engines are interference motors so valves do hit the pistons. Consult the owners manual and service manuals before doing any crankshaft rotation with the belt or chain broken.
All of them, @ different intervals. normal maintenance.
Depends which honda you have. Anything from 2001 and before are likely to have belts which recommend every 60k miles. The new motors use chains that are recommended for every 90k miles.
I believe all Hondas have a timing belt that needs to be changed every so often. I forget the interval. It might be something like every 60k miles.
The exception is the new Honda Fit which has a timing chain. I don't believe the chains ever need to be replaced. Ot atleast not as often as a rubber belt.
All Honda's that are equipped with timing belts must be replaced at approximately 100,000km and newer models at 160,000km. The latest Honda's have timing chains and don't need replacing. Every second belt replacement should also include the water pump. As the tension of the pulley will have changed and it will have a tendency to leak..... so to save money on labour change the pump every second belt change....My last Honda had over 500,000km before I traded it....it is still going strong with its new owner.