Approximately How Much Will it Cost me for a mechanic to change a timing chain on a1986 Cadillac Sedan Deville???
I know the part costs $30.00 But how much will labor cost for such a task? Is it hard? is it easy? I would like the work to be RIGHT, replacing bolts or whatever needs to be done.
The Car Engine is 4.1 V8. I love my C ad. Its soooo Cool.
Approximately How Much Will it Cost me for a mechanic to change a timing chain on a1986 Cadillac Sedan Deville
The chain, gears and gaskets are usually reasonable in price.
Look on line to get them cheaper. Figure about 100 bucks.
And don't just change the chain; change the upper and lower gear as well. Your that far into the engine so why not. The gears wear too.
As for labor, everything on the front of the engine (alternator, p/s pump, vaccuum pump for brakes, ac, compressor, smog pump, and water pump and maybe the radiator have to be removed to gain access to the timing chain.
As for the cost, ask for recommendations from some people you trust. There are good independent shops out there but you have to look for them. And stay away from tire and chain repair shops like pep boys. These places will try to get you to buy the farm. Figure about 5 to 6 hours labor time.
Approximately How Much Will it Cost me for a mechanic to change a timing chain on a1986 Cadillac Sedan Deville
Mark typed all that, and he's apparently never replaced a timing chain. Your car doesn't have most of that stuff he listed. You do have to take your water pump off, and you might as well replace that, and the crank oil seal. Both of those are cheap.
Anyway, I'd bet 8 hours would do it. Multiply by whatever they charge per your.
yeha the belt itself is maybe 30$ but you dont want to just change that, also you should change the water pump, timing tensioner, timing idler, camshaft oil seals, and cranck shaft oil seal, i just got the parts of of and got a real good deal on them. also i did this on a 98 mazda protege 1.5, parts cost me about 250$ and labor about 100$ - my friends dad worked on it for about two nights. althought the mechanic might charge you anywhere between 500-800$ for labor