1) What type of pin should I use? From the picture in the manual it looks like one of those cork board push pin with the plastic top. Is that sufficient to hold the sleeve from popping out?
2) What is trick to push the sleeve of the tensioner back, there is just not enough room to even slide a flat head screw driver in there to start pushing it back. Again picture in the repair manual shown using a finger and simply side the sleeve back and apply the pin. I found that is impossible. I tried using a flat head screw driver, jam it in. I can only push it back just a 16th of a inch. Is this right?
3) Assume that once I'm able to push the sleeve back, does the pin need to inserted all the way through to the the back wall of the cylinder to hold the sleeve from pop out?
Thanks in advance for your input/advice.
Need help with removing the timing chain tensioner to change water pump of a 1998 Nissan Maxima?
The pin that we use is similar to a push pin but a little longer. You could get away with anything metal that will fit in the hole of the tensioner. The tensioner uses oil pressure to push the sleeve out so if you put steady pressure on it the oil will come out of the tensioner making it easier to compress. Make sure you turn the engine back to relieve the chain tension from the tensioner. Most of the time you can relieve the chain tension and just take the two tensioner bolts out and remove the tensioner that way.
Need help with removing the timing chain tensioner to change water pump of a 1998 Nissan Maxima?
By turning the engine back, you mean turn the crankshaft counter clockwise about 20 degree?
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