Changing the timing chain for new one engine has been pressure test compression tested and all good
Can you take a power steering pump pulley off without the pulley puller?
Special Tool required. Some auto parts stores have a loan-a-tool program. Deposit returned when tool returned.
Can you take a power steering pump pulley off without the pulley puller?
if your changing the timing chain you don't need to pull the power steering pulley off unless it is bad then it is easier to get a new pump to change the timing chain just unbolt the power steering unit from the brackets and sit it a side. put if you want to change the pulley you will need a puller unless your real lucky. if your talking about the harmonic balancer on the crank shaft yes you need a puller.
Its best to have a puller, this will eliminate beating the pulley off and damaging it.It easier to beat it back on than it hammer it off. Most machine shops at your local auto part store will slip it off for a small fee.