How many mileage do i change the timing belt of a 1999 audi a4 v6 2.8 quattro?
It has a timing belt. Read your owners manual it will have the correct schedule for the timing belt. Each auto maker has their own schedule as each uses various quality of belt. Some replace at 40K, some 60K some 80K. So no one schedule fits all makes. There are new belts now that are extended life and if you intend to keep your car I'd go with the extended life belt.
How many mileage do i change the timing belt of a 1999 audi a4 v6 2.8 quattro?
Honestly, it should have been done around 70K. In any case do it NOW if you don't know when the last time was.
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The Audi's timing belt should be changed every 90,000 miles.
American cars should be changed every 60,000 miles.
I do believe it's 60,000 miles.
About 60000. At MOST 1000000