i got a V6 '97 dakota..i had it to my mechanic (one my whole family uses) because of a rattle...he said that the timing chai nwas bad...it has 133K almost 134....that i no of it hasnt had one done..it is VERY loud...it sounds like a powerstroke when its stopped at a light or idle...i hear there very common to go in these...in fact the guy im going to have do the job has done quite a few...this sound right? i have replaced the steering shaft....checked my brakes and a,ll is good there...tires are in good shape...had a synthetic oil change a few months back (and new oil filter) i did a tranny flush and put a new filter in that..new air filter..new spark plugs..new idle air control selanoid...and still...its loud and when i turn it on after i have used it alot that day...it hits about 750 RPM...then goes down to like 450-500 RPM... then goes back up to like 650 RPM..and stays there... if it has sat all night (or longer) it hits 700 rpm and stays there...sound like timing chain? espiccely since theres so many miles on it?thanks and God Bless---Nick
'97 dakota timing chain?
it is more than likely the timing chain and gears in it going bad,usually those need replaced about every 150 thousand in those trucks so yours may be past due on changing it out,why its doing this is its throwing the timing so far out that the computer cant compensate for it any more,and that's causing the running condition your getting on it,good luck.
'97 dakota timing chain?
It's very common on the 3.9. It will give you warning sign such as the rattle at idle, that you need to change it soon. The newer chain-gear kits have tensioners too.
it could be the chain. it could be so loose that it,s banging against the timing case.